Private University Admission

University of Rajshahi

Motihar, Kajla, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh

Faculty of Arts
  1. Philosophy
  2. History
  3. English
  4. Bangla
  5. Islamic History & Culture
  6. Arabic
  7. Islamic Studies
  8. Theatre
  9. Music
  10. Persian language and literature
  11. Sanskrit
  12. Urdu
Faculty of Law
  1. Law
  2. Law and Land Administration
Faculty of Science
  1. Mathematics
  2. Physics
  3. Chemistry
  4. Statistics
  5. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
  6. Pharmacy
  7. Population Science & Human Resource Development
  8. Applied Mathematics
  9. Physical Education and Sports Sciences
Faculty of Business Studies
  1. Accounting and Information Systems
  2. Management studies
  3. Marketing
  4. Finance
  5. Banking and Insurance
  6. Tourism and Hospitality Management
Faculty of Social Science
  1. Economics
  2. Political Science
  3. Social Work
  4. Sociology
  5. Mass Communication and Journalism
  6. Information Science & Library Management
  7. Public Administration
  8. Anthropology
  9. Folklore
  10. International Relations
Faculty of Agriculture
  1. Agronomy and Agricultural Extension
  2. Fisheries
  3. Veterinary & Animal Sciences
  4. Crop Science and Technology
Faculty of Biological Sciences
  1. Psychology
  2. Botany
  3. Zoology
  4. Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology
  5. Clinical Psychology
Faculty of Geosciences
  1. Geography & Environmental Studies
  2. Geology & Mining
Faculty of Engineering
  1. Applied Chemistry & Chemical Engineering
  2. Computer Science & Engineering
  3. Information & Communication Engineering
  4. Materials Science and Engineering
  5. Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Faculty of Fine Arts
  1. Painting, Oriental Art & Printmaking
  2. Ceramics and Sculpture
  3. Graphic Design, Crafts & History of Art

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UGC & Govt. অনুমোদিত Presidency University (PU) ঢাকায় ব্যাচেলর প্রোগ্রাম- BSc in EEE, CSE, Civil Engineering, Economics, BA in English, BBA এবং মাস্টার্স প্রোগ্রাম- MBA, EMBA, MA in ELT, MSS in Economics-এ ৫০%- ১০০% স্কলারশীপে ভর্তি চলছে। তাছাড়াও সকল প্রোগ্রামের ভর্তি ফি-তে ৫০% ছাড় সুবিধা প্রযোজ্য। বিস্তারিত: 01766554433,