Private University Admission

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University

Meghna Bhabani, House#14/06, Section-12, Pallabi, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh

Faculty of Maritime Governance & Policy
  1. Maritime Law and Policy
  2. Maritime Security and Strategic Studies
  3. Maritime Safety Administration
Faculty of Shipping Administration
  1. Maritime Science
  2. Port and Shipping Management
  3. Transportation and Logistics Management
Faculty of Earth and Ocean Science
  1. Oceanography and Hydrography
  2. Mining
  3. Marine Fisheries and Aqua Culture
  4. Marine Biology
  5. Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
  6. Environment Studies
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
  1. Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering
  2. Ocean Engineering
  3. Marine Engineering
  4. Harbour and River Engineering
  5. Electrical & Electronics Engineering
  6. Telecommunication Engineering
  7. Control Engineering and Mechatronics
Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics
  1. Computer Science and Information Technology
  2. Software and Network Engineering
  3. Information System Security
Faculty of Maritime Business Studies
  1. Management
  2. Accounting and Information System
  3. Finance
  4. Economics
  5. Marketing
  6. Maritime Tourism and Hospitality Management
Faculty of General Studies
  1. English
  2. Mathematics
  3. Physics
  4. Chemistry
  5. Bio Chemistry
  6. Social Science and Anthropology
  7. Material Science
  8. International Relations
  9. History
  10. Land Administration and Water Management
  1. Institute of Modern Language
  2. Institute of Bay of Bengal and Bangladesh Studies
  3. Institute of Renewable Energy and Marine Resources
  4. Institute of Disaster Management

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UGC & Govt. অনুমোদিত Presidency University (PU) ঢাকায় ব্যাচেলর প্রোগ্রাম- BSc in EEE, CSE, Civil Engineering, Economics, BA in English, BBA এবং মাস্টার্স প্রোগ্রাম- MBA, EMBA, MA in ELT, MSS in Economics-এ ৫০%- ১০০% স্কলারশীপে ভর্তি চলছে। তাছাড়াও সকল প্রোগ্রামের ভর্তি ফি-তে ৫০% ছাড় সুবিধা প্রযোজ্য। বিস্তারিত: 01766554433,